Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Kissy Cashmere

I finally captured something.. hmm, I was going to say "on film" but that doesn't work any more does it? Well, I finally captured something in a picture that I didn't think I'd ever get a good shot of. Let's start with the picture and then I'll tell ya how I finally got it.

Cashmere: Oh, hi. Yes, I was under the bed, what of it? Where do you think I keep all the toys anyway? Biggest toy box ever! hee hee

Ok, what I have been trying to get forever, two things actually, are her double colored eyes, and her kissy mouth. Leo and Cashmere have eyes that are two shades of green/gold. Darker around the iris, lighter on the outside. So pretty! But in my darkish house, impossible to photograph because I always have to use a flash which, of course, sparks their eyes. (I don't think Glitter has the same double color, but I'd have to look closer to be sure and when you get that close to her, she shoves her face into yours) That darker fur in the front of her muzzle also gets washed out with the flash, but it's so cute! I think it looks like she's puckered up waiting for a kiss!
I know this picture is dark, but I didn't even know she was there until I looked at the picture, I was taking a picture of Leo sleeping on top of the bed. He came out too blurry to use, but then I saw her pretty eyes and kissy!

I'm so glad I got this shot. As I said, my camera always flashes. Not to mention that my cell phone is old and takes really dark, kind of blue tinged pictures that are always grainy. I love that phone. It's a purple Razr flip phone! Purple!! Why are all phones now black or gray? Boring, all look alike phones, bleh.. I was an original! I had a purple phone, an awesome phone! I loved my phone!

Notice the past tense? sigh... Alas, she is no more, my pretty purple phone.

She got caught where she shouldn't have been and crunch! No hope. And trust me, I tried..

Luckily, my niece, Twin2, had left her old IPhone here for me because I was considering playing around with one, possibly, maybe, thinking my poor phone was getting just a touch old (ha!) Seriously though, the original charger cord just died last month, so yeah, I was starting to worry. But didn't expect it to take this turn!

I got the IPhone changed to my number and here we are. (Funny/creepy side story: As I was leaving the phone store where they changed the phone, it rang, I looked at it and the call was from "daddy." My dad passed away a few years ago, I still miss him terribly and was just talking about him that day. You think my heart didn't stop? Holy smokes! Apparently they gave the phone my number but left in my niece's contacts and it was HER daddy calling. Thanks for the heart attack!)

So now I got an ugly, plain black, same-as-every-other-phone-in-the-world, boring looking IPhone. This, I thought to myself, will not do! Time to customize!

What can I say, they didn't have gray ones.. Or purple for that matter. So yeah, it's black, but it's a black kitty! With a black kitty and his yellow ball of yarn earphone jack dust cover! I know you cant see it, but that little bitty kitty even has white paw pads and toes!

So whatcha think? Does it just scream me? :D

(sheesh, all that just to say, lookie, Cashmere's uniqueness is showing up!)

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thankful Thursday

It's Thankful Thursday again and today Leo is thankful Bee-cause he has fun with Da Bee! The mom is thankful that Da Bee has a metal 'string' unlike Da Bird because somekitty *coughLeocough* would rather chew through the string than play with the fevvers.. Da Bee is tougher, and bonus, they all love it!

Leo tends to stop playing when the girls get involved, so he was also thankful that they were elsewhere when he was having his turn!

Ooo hey! it's Da Bee! I love this thing!

*whap* Gotcha! Hee hee hee!

Doggone it, it got away!

Just a little closer, Mr. Bee, and I'll show you what's what!

Ha! Gotcha now! *chomp-nom-nom-nom*


Hmm, that didn't taste like I thought it would..

Silly boy, I can't Bee-lieve you thought it was a snack!


Friends, I would be so thankful if you would share Theo, a wonderful Winnie's Wish kitty who needs a home! He's such a sweet boy! If you know anyone who needs a lovey kitty in their life, please send them to Chrystal at Daily Dose/Winnie's Wish!
There is an adorable video of him being cuddly along with other information about him HERE


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Long and Short of It

Leo: I thought I'd show off my fabulous long tail today. Well, most of it anyway. That's the long of it. The short of it is that mom is all about appointments and other stuppy human stuff that means nothing to kitties and has not been blogging for us much, and says this is the most she can do even now. I'll leave something in her shoe later to let her know what I think of this... In the mean time, enjoy my fluffy tail! and ignore all the fur I put on the scratchy. Gotta shed the floof somewhere, right?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thankful Threesome Thursday

More fun with the spinning butterfly amidst a bunch of other toys!
You'll notice that Leo starts off not so close. He doesn't usually like to get in the middle when it's playtime. But for once, his curiosity got the better of him as you'll see.

Glitter: Did you catch it?
Cashmere: I think so, I got it stopped for the moment anyway!
Leo: Hmm, that looks like fun maybe..

Leo: It doesn't look like a real one..
Glitter: Say, yeah it doe.. hey, how do YOU know what a real ones look like?
Leo: I know things.. Lets just leave it at that.
Cashmere: Yeah well I know that somehow this flower is responsible for the butterfly flying, so I'm gonna bite it!

Glitter: You two are getting a little weird..
Cashmere: *chomp* missed... *chomp* missed... *CHOMP* missed..
Leo: Hello little butterfly, you're looking awfully cute..

Glitter: Hoo boy.. yeah, the weirdness factor has risen sharply.
Cashmere: *Chomp!* Got it! oh rats, I talked and it got away... Start over.. *chomp* missed..
Leo: Where are you going little butterfly! I just wanna be friends!

Leo: Oh good gravy! It's got my tummy! What do I do? What do I do!?
Cashmere: Let it go so I can bite the wire..
Glitter: Yup, weirdness factor 10 and rising.

Leo: Hee hee, it tickles! Now I need to chomp the wire while it sticks to my tummy!
Cashmere: No fair, I was trying to chomp the wire!
Glitter: Oh dear, the weird-o-meter just broke!

I think it's safe to say that they're still pretty thankful for their new toys!


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop